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Where these statistics refer to "juniors" this always means barristers or pupils with a call of 2010 or later.
5 King’s Bench Walk |
Location |
London |
Web site | |
Number of members |
46 |
Percentage of juniors |
4.35% |
Practice areas |
Criminal, family, licensing |
Notes |
Pupillage offer history |
Award |
Number |
Gateway |
Deadline |
Start date | Note: Award in range £12,000–19,999. Award includes some element of guaranteed income. |
12000 |
3 |
yes |
07/02/2017 |
01/10/2018 | Note: Award in range £12,000–19,999. |
12000 |
3 |
yes |
04/05/2016 |
01/10/2017 | Note: Award in range 12,000 - 19,999 |
12000 |
4 |
yes |
30/04/2015 |
01/10/2016 | Note: Award in range 12,000 -19,999 |
12000 |
4 |
yes |
30/04/2014 |
01/10/2015 | Note: Award in range 12,000 - 19,999 |
12000 |
2 |
yes |
09/05/2013 |
01/10/2014 |
| | Do juniors have GDLs (rather than QLDs)No data available Split of junior barristers by genderMale | Female | Unknown |
0.00% | 100.00% | 0.00% |
| Qualifications of juniorsScores can exceed 100 as individuals may have multiple awards Which BPTC course produces the most juniorsNo data available | |