It takes a lot of time and effort to build and maintain this site,
please help expand the data and reports available by sponsoring us. We
will put your logo on every page, with a link to your web site.
Double button
button 120 x 120px for 12 months GBP:75.00 + VAT (GBP:90.00).
Single button
button 120 x 60px for 12 months GBP:50.00 + VAT (GBP:60.00).
Micro button
button 120 x 20px for 12 months GBP:25.00 + VAT (GBP:30.00).
Up to ten logos will be shown per page view, these will be randomised. So, if there are 20
sponsors then, on average, each logo should be shown on half of all page views.
No animated buttons.
Layout of page may change in order to accommodate different browsers and/or devices.
Sponsor should provide all finished artwork (ie PNG file ready to place on page). Artwork
or conversion fees will apply in other cases.